"It could not be determined during this outbreak investigation exactly how Norovirus was introduced into the food establishment. Typically, Norovirus is introduced into a food establishment through a contaminated food product or through an ill individual. The epidemiological investigation confirmed that there were multiple food items associated with illness, and multiple sources of illness. MCDH is also aware of Norovirus infection in the community at the time of the outbreak, through investigation of an unrelated, confirmed outbreak of Norovirus at a local school. Therefore, the likelihood a food item was received at the food establishment already contaminated with Norovirus is low, and this is unlikely to be the source of the outbreak."
Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE) Outbreak:
D.C. Cobb’s
McHenry, Illinois
September 2022
McHenry County Department of Health
2200 North Seminary Avenue
Woodstock, Illinois 6009