- Avocado and guacamole – contains a compound called persin that is toxic to dogs
- Alcoholic beverages – Inability to quickly detoxify the alcohol
- Bread Dough – Dough will rise in dogs stomach, also alcohol is produced as a byproduct.
- Bones from poultry, fish, or other meat – can lead to laceration of the digestive system
- Onions and Garlic, including onion powder – will destroy dog’s red blood cells .
- Caffeine – Coffee, Tea, Mountain Dew, Red Bull – caffeine is toxic to dogs
- Chocolate – contains theobromine which is toxic to dogs
- Eggs, raw – reduces absorption of Vitamin B, also may contain Salmonella or parasites. Cook it first. Grapes or Raisins – can cause kidney failure
- Hops - Unknown compound causes panting, increased heart rate, elevated temperature, seizures, and death
- Macadamia nuts – toxic to dogs
- Raw Meats and Fish – contain pathogens such as Salmonella
- Milk or dairy products – inability to process large quantities of lactose leading to upset stomachs and diarrhea
- Moldy foods - Can contain multiple toxins causing vomiting and diarrhea and can also affect other organs.
- Pits from peaches and plums – can cause obstructions in digestive system as well as inflammation
- Salt – Excessive amounts can through electrolyte imbalance leading to vomiting, diarrhea, seizures.
- Sugary foods - excess sugar over the long term can lead to obesity, diabetes, and dental problems
- Xylitol , artificial sweetener found in candy, gum, diet baked goods, and toothpaste – increases insulin causing blood sugar to rapidly drop
- Other items that may be in the house or yard – string, mushrooms, tobacco, rhubarb leaves, citrus oil extracts
From ASPCA website
Foods That Are Hazardous to Dogs
Most dogs love food, and they’re especially attracted to what they see us eating. While sharing the occasional tidbit with your dog is fine, it’s important to be aware that some foods can be very dangerous to dogs. Take caution to make sure your dog never gets access to the foods below. Even if you don’t give him table scraps, your dog might eat something that’s hazardous to his health if he raids kitchen counters, cupboards and trash cans. For advice on teaching your dog not to steal food, please see our article, Counter Surfing and Garbage Raiding.
Avocado leaves, fruit, seeds and bark may contain a toxic principle known as persin. The Guatemalan variety, a common one found in stores, appears to be the most problematic. Other varieties of avocado can have different degrees of toxic potential.
Birds, rabbits, and some large animals, including horses, are especially sensitive to avocados, as they can have respiratory distress, congestion, fluid accumulation around the heart, and even death from consuming avocado. While avocado is toxic to some animals, in dogs and cats, we do not expect to see serious signs of illness. In some dogs and cats, mild stomach upset may occur if the animal eats a significant amount of avocado flesh or peel. Ingestion of the pit can lead to obstruction in the gastrointestinal tract, which is a serious situation requiring urgent veterinary care.
Avocado is sometimes included in pet foods for nutritional benefit. We would generally not expect avocado meal or oil present in commercial pet foods to pose a hazard to dogs and cats.