- The company did not appropriately identify undeclared allergens as a hazard requiring a preventive control in allergen-containing products. Although the facility receives, stores, and uses allergens such as tree nuts, peanuts, milk, eggs, soy, and wheat in production, the hazard analysis indicated that the allergen hazard was not significant due to low likelihood. [This is a common error that FDA finds...facilities think that the prerequisite programs are sufficient, but FDA is finding that this is not the case].
- The company submitted a “New Product Label Verification Checklist” , however, this procedure for new product development does not appear to address the root cause of the recall – failure to make electronic allergen labeling revisions after reformulations that add or change the allergens in a product. In addition, the procedure does not include monitoring, corrective action, or verification procedures to ensure control of the undeclared allergen hazard.
Other items - Of course, if FDA is there, they will conduct a broader inspection.
- The company did not appropriately identify contamination with environmental pathogens, such as Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella for the RTE fresh salads which are exposed to the environment prior to packaging and do not receive a lethal treatment or otherwise include a control measure that would significantly minimize these environmental pathogens
- The company did not take appropriate Corrective Action after obtaining "six Salmonella positive swab results in rooms adjacent to the main production room where ready-to-eat products are exposed to the environment prior to packaging. The company had not established and implemented written corrective action procedures that must be taken to address the presence of an environmental pathogens.
Market of Choice, LLC
MARCS-CMS 613557 — JUNE 01, 2021
Richard L. Wright Jr.
Market of Choice, LLC
2862 Willamette Street, Suite B
Eugene, OR 97405
United States