Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Ravioli and Brownies Recalled After Complaints of Plastic Pieces

Two different recalls were initiated after consumer complaints were registered about plastic pieces found in the product.  One was for ravioli containing white plastic and the other was for small pieces of plastic in Entenmann’s muffins and brownies.

The recalls are unrelated.  No injuries have been reported.

FDA Recall Notice
Wegmans Announces Voluntary Recall for One Date Code of Wegmans Italian Classics Striped Ricotta & Spinach Ravioli, Which May Contain Pieces of White Plastic
For Immediate Release
September 2, 2016

Chocolate Products Recalled After a Positive Salmonella Result Found

A Pennsylvania firm is recalling chocolate products after one internal test result was positive for Salmonella.  There have been no illnesses reported.

FDA Recall Notice
Asher's Chocolates/Lewistown, Inc. Issues Voluntary Recall of Candy Products Because of Possible Health Risk
For Immediate Release
September 2, 2016

Monday, August 29, 2016

Improving Knowledge of Antibiotic Resistance - What You Should Know

This month's Food Protection Trends has an article by a group of experts on the topic of antibiotic resistance and the impact on human and animal health.  The goal was to provide knowledge to professionals in an way to counter the many misstatements being made in the news media by uninformed 'professionals.'

First, there are four main themes that should highlight communications:

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Packages of Cut Fresh Vegetables Recalled Due to Listeria Positive Sample

A Texas firm is recalling various fresh diced and sliced vegetables after the Georgia Department of Agriculture sampled product and found it was positive for Listeria monocytogenes.  The date range for production lots recalled is about two weeks with use by dates from 8/7 to 8/19/16. At this point, no illnesses have been reported.

The reason for the broad range of items is that there must be concern for cross contamination in the facility.  Being that there are sliced and diced vegetables, the equipment used for processing, the cutting equipment, the flume lines for transferring, and the packaging equipment can be areas for cross contamination or even be a harborage site for the organism if it was not properly cleaned.

FDA Recall Notice
Country Fresh Recalls Product Because Of Possible Health Risk
For Immediate Release
August 26, 2016

Friday, August 26, 2016

FSMA Compliance Date Schedule - September 18th for General Compliance

FDA's FSMA compliance dates are nearing.  Take a few minutes to review to see if you are where you need to be.

Source - GMA website

*Farms have an additional 2 years to comply with certain water-related requirements. Separate compliance date applicable to sprouts.

**PC Human: Supply Chain Program general compliance is (1) 3-17-17 (9-18-17 for small business) OR (2) six months after a supplier is required to comply with the applicable rule. PC Animal: Supply Chain Program general compliance is (1) 9-18-17 (9-17-18 for small business) OR (2) six months after a supplier is required to comply with the applicable rule.

†All importers must comply with FSVP requirements by 5-30-17 OR 6 months after their foreign suppliers’ reach their FSMA compliance deadlines, whichever is later. “Very small importers” and “importers of food from very small foreign suppliers” are subject to modified requirements.

‡ 3PAC’s provisions are effective immediately following the final rule, but can only be implemented after publication of Model Accreditation Standards, which are yet to be released by the FDA.

EpiPen Price Hike Impacts People with Food Allergies

EpiPens, those self-given injection needles to prevent allergic reactions, have gone up in price to over $600 for a set of pens..  Even with insurance, the price can be as much as $200 to $300 per set.   And considering these pens have a limited shelf-life of a year, this is a reoccurring cost.

EpiPens deliver epinephrine, a drug that slows the symptons of the immune response such as swelling.  In those people that are highly allergic to an allergenc such as peanuts or crustacean shellfish,  swelling of body tissue including the throat can be life threatening.  So these folks need to carry EpiPens.

NY Times
EpiPen Price Rise Sparks Concern for Allergy Sufferers
By Tara Parker-Pope and Rachel Rabkin Peachman August 22, 2016 6:05 pm August 22, 2016 6:05

A steep increase in the price of the EpiPen, a lifesaving injection device for people with severe allergies, has sparked outrage among consumers and lawmakers who worry that parents won’t be able to afford the pens for children heading back to school.

Frozen Chicken Entrees Recalled Due to Foreign Material

Another recall due to consumer complaints on foreign objects in product.   In this case, a GA company is recalling chicken entrees with glass or hard plastic.

FSIS Recall Notice
Sentry Foods Recalls Frozen Chicken Entrées due To Possible Foreign Matter Contamination
Class II Recall 074-2016

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Warning Letter Issued to Facility with Recurring Strain of Listeria

Jeni's Splended Ice Cream was issued a warning letter by FDA.  Basically FDA inspected the firm in January, and during that inspection, they found 2 of 75 swabs positive for Listeria.  Both positives were from the floor - non-food contact surfaces.  They also found two GMP issues - 1) "our investigator observed a dust-like material adhering to the guard over the fan on the west end of the underside of the ceiling-mounted cooling unit located in the dish room, where containers, equipment parts, and utensils used in production are washed, rinsed, sanitized, and stored." and 2) observed an employee in the prep room placing  “skinned” bags of sugar on a cart in the prep room, then moving these bags beside a prep table where they were picked up and manually poured from the bags into clear plastic containers such that the outside of the sugar bags came into direct contact with the inner food contact surface of the plastic containers.

Now, it is important to point out that an inspection had been done the previous year and that the 2 GMP violations were previously noted.  More impactful however, is that during that 2015 inspection, FDA had found 20 samples positive for Listeria.  It is also important to note that this audit had been done as a result of a state laboratory finding Listeria in a product sample.

Further, the Listeria was the same strain in all samples "Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) analysis was conducted on the two (2) L. monocytogenes isolates obtained from a FDA environmental sample collected on January 26, 2016, twenty (20) L. monocytogenes isolates obtained from a FDA environmental sample collected on April 21, 2015, and two (2) L. monocytogenes isolates obtained from a finished product sample of ice cream collected by Nebraska Department of Agriculture in April 2015".  (Associated Recall)

So while the firm conducted corrective actions  (conducted a voluntary recall of ice cream, frozen yogurt, sorbet, and ice cream sandwiches for all flavors and containers in 2015, made changes in the production flow including no longer manufacturing finished ice cream, frozen yogurt, or sorbet on-site (instead just manufacturing frozen flavor bases that are shipped to co-manufacturers, and conducted training for employees), the same organism is still in the facility.
"The reoccurring presence of an identical strain of L. monocytogenes in your environment indicates a resident strain or niche harborage site present in the facility. These findings also demonstrate that your sanitation procedures have historically been inadequate to control, reduce, or eliminate this pathogenic organism from your facility. It is essential to identify the areas of the food processing plant where this organism is able to grow and survive and to take such corrective actions as necessary to eradicate the organism by rendering these areas unable to support the growth and survival of the organism."
A few things to note:
1) This is a reason for facilities to consider using Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) when they find Listeria in their facility.  Too often the assumption is that it is reentering the facility, but it may be worth determining if there is a resident strain.

2) Although this firm went to great lengths to escape the problem, including changing the products they make, they did not solve the fundamental issue of systematic contamination in the facility.  Although the facility findings were not huge or overly impactful, that issue still existed and resulted in further scrutiny .  WGS had an impact on how FDA evaluated this facility, and making marginal issues bigger than they should have been.  Including finding 2 samples of Listeria in the facility.

3) It is important to fix the issues in an FDA audit report and ensure that they are being followed. Clearly, by having old issues recited gives an auditor or inspector the impression that things have not changed..

4) This points out the long term impact of finding product in the field positive for Listeria.  It the company had more proactive programs first time around, they wouldn't be still trying to work out of the negative image created.

5) The press has been brutal, and although the company claims the product is safe, it is hard to overcome the amount of negative coverage.  Below is an article in the Wall Street Journal countered by an article in Columbus Business First.

Supermarket's Communication on Food Recalls Varies

A report published by CSPI shows that supermarket chain procedures for handling recall communications varies from chain to chain.  By regulation, stores are supposed to post information in a conspicuous spot for 14 days after the recall.  Not everyone is doing it the way they are supposed to be doing it according to this report.

Center for Science in the Public Interest
Supermarkets Do Uneven Job Notifying Consumers of Recalls