For ease of reading, the contents of the FDA investigation were reprinted below. If you had to summarize it, one would say that the facility floors and equipment was not cleanable due to cracks and poor welds. Build up on equipment was noted and other procedures such as handwashing and sanitation were lax. Of course, Salmonella was discovered in environmental samples.
This is a good learning tool for facilities where post process contamination can be a concern.
to manufacture foods under conditions and controls necessary to minimize the
potential for growth of microorganisms
and contamination.
Two environmental sub-samples (INV
858387) collected on 7/16/2014 within Bakery ____ during tbe
manufacturing of dried pasteurized almonds lot 5461, were determined to be
positive for Salmonella. The locations of the sub-samples are listed below:Sub 175 Floor below cooling tower, east side, northern floor surface
Sub 188 Floor below cooling tower, west side, southern floor surface